Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Expanding STEM education to Liberty City

I recently got the chance to represent my organization, Tech For Kids America Foundation, before a group of K-8 students and parents in Charles R. Drew Middle school, located in Miami's Liberty City community. Liberty City is located in Northwest Miami-Dade, roughly 5 minutes from Miami International Airport, and 10 minutes from the glitz and glamour of South Beach.

Drive down the streets between Northwest 22 Ave and 17th Ave north of 36 street and you'll see rows of unkept houses, project housing, run-down stores and a forgotten community of kind, and humble mothers, fathers and their kids. A community in desperate need of a group of people to lend a hand and help lead them to self-sustainability and prosperity.

The event was organized by a great organization that serves youth in Liberty City, Miami Children's Initiative. I was part of a group of people representing more than 20 nonprofits, or providers, offering free services to the residents of Liberty City.

The event was a great success, with each provider getting a chance to speak before parents and kids eager to know more about the different programs offered. Along with really good food (free for those in attendance), kids in attendance were able to participate in a raffle, with a brand new bike as the grand prize. 

With so much going against communities all over the United States, events like these are so important for the development of a community in need. In speaking to other providers, I was able to learn about amazing programs available to help everyone in the community, not just for kids, but programs to help mothers and even fathers (being a single dad, this is very important to me).

What happens when community leaders and volunteers get together to offer free services for the community? Kids get inspired, empowered, and leaders are born. Families get restored, and the community in general is able to prosper.

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