Monday, February 12, 2018

Nutrition and Men's Health

Lately I've been learning a great deal about hormone-level nutrition and medicine, especially for men. Testosterone is key to men's overall health. It isn't just the main element behind men's muscle development, energy, and libido, but is also key to cognitive function.

Low Testosterone symptoms can start appearing as early as early 20s, but are usually present starting at age 30.

Here's a few symptoms of Low-T:

  • erectile dysfunction, or problems developing or maintaining an erection
  • other changes in your erections, such as fewer spontaneous erections
  • decreased libido or sexual activity
  • infertility
  • rapid hair loss
  • reduced muscle mass
  • increased body fat
  • enlarged breasts
  • sleep disturbances
  • persistent fatigue
  • brain fog
  • depression
Believe it or not, getting 8 hours of good quality sleep every night can drastically help you maintain or increase healthy testosterone levels. Sleep is key especially if you want to get big at the gym. 

One other major point of maintaining or increasing good testosterone levels is nutrition. Eggs, bison beef, nuts, coconut oil, salmon, avocados and cruciferous vegetables are excellent for promoting natural production of testosterone as well as blocking the female hormone Estrogen which is not good for men to have an increase of.